Diploma SeQF(link is external) EQF(link is external) Comparable to NLQF(link is external) EQF(link is external)
Erhvervsuddannelsen/VET Diploma (EUD) 2, 3, 4 of 5 2, 3 of 4 an MBO diploma level 2, 3 of 4 2, 3 or 4 2, 3 or 4
Bevis for højere forberedelseseksamen (hf) with only the standard exam subjects(link is external) (obtained as of 2017) 4 4 a HAVO diploma 4 4
Højere handelseksamen/merkantil studentereksamen (hhx) 4 4 a VWO diploma for the general education part and an MBO diploma level 4 for the vocational part 4+ and 4 4
Højere teknisk eksamen/teknisk studentereksamen (htx) 4 4 a VWO diploma for the general education part and an MBO diploma level 4 for the vocational part 4+ 4

Bevis for højere forberedelseseksamen (hf)

(obtained up to and including 2016)

4 4 a VWO diploma 4+ 4

Bevis for højere forberedelseseksamen (hf) with:

(obtained as of 2017)

4 4 a VWO diploma 4+ 4
Studentereksamen (stx) 4 4 a VWO diploma 4+ 4
AK-diploma 5 5 sometimes an associate degree or 2 years of HBO 5 5
Professional bachelor’s degree (professionsbachelor) 6 6 an HBO bachelor's degree 6 6
University bachelor's degree: Bachelor (BSc), Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science 6 6 a WO bachelor's degree 6 6
Candidatus 7 7 a WO master's degree 7 7